The Tailor’s Co: Buying suits in the digital age is a true delight
22 Febrero 2017
Philip Shelper


Despite all this Millennial-led talk of ditching suits for jeans and t-shirts in the office, here at Loyalty & Reward Co we continue to love wearing nicely-fitting, well-tailored suits when consulting, strategizing and lunching.

I’m passionate about buying suits off the rack’, said no one ever, which is why we’re constantly on the prowl for tailors of distinction who can cut neat threads without the need for a second mortgage.

Asia is a great place to source tailored suits, although they can often be hit and miss. Enlever Ses Vetements in Bangkok is a favourite of ours, and when in Shanghai we always visit Lu Jiang Bang.

But when stuck in Sydney, to where does one turn? Prior to Christmas a client steered us towards The Tailor’s Co in O’Connell St. We booked an appointment with Grant for the following week, and prior to the meeting jumped onto their website.

Unlike other tailors where one arrives and is required to make on-the-fly decisions which may later lead to regret (A double-breasted chocolate brown suit with purple pin-stripes? What was I thinking?), The Tailor’s Co has developed a bespoke digital platform which allows customers to design their own suits. This can be done prior to the meeting, or guided by Grant at the appointment.

We spent quite a few hours in the office debating and modelling Italian fabrics, buttons, lapels, pockets, linings, stitching and structure like a couple of school-girls designing virtual clothes for their Barbie.

By the time of the appointment, we knew what we wanted, allowing Grant to quickly complete our order, with our suits measured, locked and loaded in just 40 mins. He saved the order and sent it off to their tailoring partner in China to commence build.

Two weeks later the suits arrived ready for final fitting. They fitted perfectly straight off the bat, and looked outstanding (refer to accompanying photo for scene reconstruction using professional actors). We walked out thrilled with the experience, one where we felt in control through the whole process, with subtle, expert guidance from Grant to ensure an optimal outcome.

Best of all, our measurements are maintained in The Tailor’s Co database, so picking up a few more suits can be completed at the click of a button with no need to go through the whole measurement process a second time (excluding adjustments for excessive lunches).

We’ll be back in a few months, proving once again that customer delight is the best technique for driving customer loyalty.

Philip Shelper es un consultor de gestión de la fidelización afincado en Sídney, Australia, obsesionado con todo lo relacionado con la fidelización y las recompensas. Su empresa Loyalty & Reward Co es una consultora líder en gestión de la fidelización.


<a href="" target="_self">Philip Shelper</a>

Philip Shelper

Phil es el Consejero Delegado y Fundador de Loyalty & Reward Co, la consultora líder en fidelización. Loyalty & Reward Co diseña, implementa y opera los mejores programas de fidelización del mundo para las mejores marcas del mundo. Anteriormente, Phil había desempeñado funciones de fidelización en Qantas Frequent Flyer y Vodafone. Phil es miembro de varios cientos de programas de fidelización e investigador de la psicología y la historia de la fidelización, todo lo cual utiliza para comprender la dinámica esencial de lo que hace que un programa de fidelización tenga éxito. Phil es autor de "Programas de fidelización: The Complete Guide', el libro más completo sobre programas de fidelización del planeta.

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