Would You Surrender Your Personal Information For A $1 Coffee Discount?
18 Octubre 2016
Philip Shelper


A Loyalty & Reward Co staff member received a marketing flyer from a street promoter at World Square yesterday.

It contained an offer for a $2 coffee from The Bavarian, which has recently opened. Loyalty & Reward Co staff love beer in all forms, and are truly excited that The Bavarian has 17 beers on tap, plus a large range of German bottled beer, ready for consumption.

Also being consumers of coffee, the Loyalty & Reward Co team explored the offer received from the street promoter. In order to claim the $2 coffee, it is a requirement to fill in personal details fields on the flyer, including name, email, phone number, birthday and postcode. In the fine-print, it says ‘By adding your email, you consent to be added to our database and receive email correspondence.’ Hmm.

We’re progressing, just to explore the marketing process followed by The Bavarian in the hope we learn something. The question is, would you?

Would you surrender your personal information to a marketing database in order to access a $1 discount on a coffee?

Philip Shelper is a specialist loyalty consultant based in Sydney, Australia who obsesses about everything to do with loyalty and rewards. His company Loyalty & Reward Co are a leading loyalty consulting firm.

Conectemos! https://au.linkedin.com/in/philipshelper 

<a href="https://loyaltyrewardco.com/author/philip/" target="_self">Philip Shelper</a>

Philip Shelper

Phil es el Consejero Delegado y Fundador de Loyalty & Reward Co, la consultora líder en fidelización. Loyalty & Reward Co diseña, implementa y opera los mejores programas de fidelización del mundo para las mejores marcas del mundo. Anteriormente, Phil había desempeñado funciones de fidelización en Qantas Frequent Flyer y Vodafone. Phil es miembro de varios cientos de programas de fidelización e investigador de la psicología y la historia de la fidelización, todo lo cual utiliza para comprender la dinámica esencial de lo que hace que un programa de fidelización tenga éxito. Phil es autor de "Programas de fidelización: The Complete Guide', el libro más completo sobre programas de fidelización del planeta.

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