Customer delight is a powerful technique for driving deeper member engagement. Psychological studies suggest that when a customer’s expectations are met, they will be satisfied and when a customer’s expectations are exceeded, they will be slightly more satisfied, but when a customer is unexpectedly delighted (commonly referred to as ‘surprise and delight’ in the loyalty industry) their satisfaction levels will be substantial.
Todos los 'insights' de nuestro equipo de expertos
¿Qué es la valentía? Devaluar su programa de fidelización en un 80% en un momento de recesión del mercado.
La mala noticia, sin embargo, es que los afiliados pasarán de ganar el equivalente a una recompensa del 10% en sus estancias, a ganar el equivalente al 2% de devolución en sus estancias, lo que representa una devaluación masiva del 80%.
¿Qué es el sesgo de priming y cómo se utiliza en los programas de fidelización?
La imprimación es una técnica psicológica por la que la exposición a un determinado estímulo puede influir en la respuesta a un estímulo posterior.
OnePass: One hit wonder, or One of a kind?
The OnePass program launched into market a few months ago and brings 4 well-known brands together: Catch, Bunnings, Kmart and Target. I am a fan of the naming...
Haga que el sesgo de la prueba social beneficie a su programa de fidelización
Specific to loyalty programs (and the wider field of marketing), the digital age has made it easier to observe what others are doing, at scale and over vast...
Su kit de herramientas de casos de uso de fidelización de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático
Loyalty programs are data collection machines. Across the globe, many companies are already experimenting or heavily using either machine learning or artificial...
Being fully vaccinated is the new exclusive membership status and the vaccination certificate is your membership card. Change my mind.
We’ve seen loyalty programs gain more and more traction throughout COVID-19, because brands have had to adjust to running their operations differently and require...
Gap Inc: salvar la brecha entre la lealtad transaccional y la emocional
Gap Inc have recently announced the launch of a newly integrated single loyalty proposition called “One Membership. Four Brands.”. The new program will aim to...
Bilt Rewards - una forma de ganar puntos en sus pagos de alquiler.
Bilt Rewards was recently launched to much fanfare, with tons of articles to be found by doing a quick Google search. Kairos, the company behind the idea, is...
Popeyes Rewards; Y’all will be glad you joined.
Popeyes have just launched their new loyalty program, Popeyes Rewards. To y’all of my Australian based readers, Popeyes is a QSR with over 3,300 stores in the US...
Westfield Plus: just another app taking up smart phone real estate.
Westfield knows a thing or two about real estate. And yet, they’ve launched an app which hardly justifies why anyone with a smart phone should dedicate any real...
Programas de suscripción a relojes de lujo: ¿tendencia o moda?
As a Breitling owner, I was quite interested in their recently launched proposition called Breitling Select; a subscription based watch trial concept. Let’s take a...