I love your simple points-based model, easy to join and understand
I love your sleek app design, which is always ready in my hand.
I love your café recommendations, it’s like you can read my mind
I spend so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
I love the way you gamify, how you track progress to my next reward
The way you helped me reach elite status, so I can now earn even more.
You set me personalised points challenges, helping me build new habits
I’ve increased my frequency and recency, so I could boost my balance.
I love that you give me bonus points every time I try somewhere new
When I set my preferences, collect team lunches, or provide feedback to you.
I love all of the ways you communicate, you’re conversational, relevant and witty
I love how much I want to refer you, to everyone I speak to in Sydney city.
I love that I can order ahead, and skip the line without having to call
That’s why I don’t ever look elsewhere, not even a little bit, not even at all.
(Inspired by 10 things I hate about you.)