All the loyalty insights from our expert team.

Loyalty Frameworks: Discounts

Loyalty Frameworks: Discounts

Discounts are used extensively in loyalty and member engagement programs by providing members with offers which are not accessible to non-members (exclusivity). In...

Loyalty Frameworks: Gamification

Loyalty Frameworks: Gamification

No one likes folding washing, buying groceries, or cleaning the house. Unfortunately, as adults, these are tasks that need to be completed. What can help though is...

Loyalty Framework: Member Benefits

Loyalty Framework: Member Benefits

There is more than one way to design a program and achieve a company’s loyalty objectives. Brands can follow a single design, or combine elements from a number of...

Starbucks Odyssey Blog

Starbucks Odyssey Blog

Starbucks' recent venture into the world of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has sparked both excitement and scepticism within the industry....

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